Cover Page
The Campaign to Revitalize Academic Medicine Kicks Off: We Need a Deep and Broad International Debate to Begin*
Peter Tugwell CMJ 2004; 45: 241-242Forum
Academic Medicine: One Job or Three?
Berislav Marušić CMJ 2004; 45: 243-244Academic Approach to Academic Medicine
CMJ 2004; 45: 245-247Academic Medicine – Experiences from Finland and Suggestions for the Future
Vedran Stefanović CMJ 2004; 45: 248-353Academic Medicine: What Does an Outsider Have to Offer?
Igor Švab, Mateja Bulc CMJ 2004; 45: 254-255Academic Medicine and Quality of Medical Care
Reuben Eldar CMJ 2004; 45: 256-258Balancing Traditional Values in Academic Medicine with Advances in Science and Technology
Bruce A. Fenderson, Douglas A. Fenderson CMJ 2004; 45: 259-263Caring for Academic Ophthalmology in Croatia
Zdravko Mandić, Zoran Vatavuk CMJ 2004; 45: 264-267Ophthalmology
Open Globe Injuries: Epidemiological Study of Two Eye Clinics in Germany, 1981-1999
Wolfgang F. Schrader CMJ 2004; 45: 268-274Fornix vs Limbus Based Flap in Phacotrabeculetomy with Mitomycin C: Prospective Study
Zdravko Mandić, Goran Benčić, Mia Zorić Geber, Lovro Bojić CMJ 2004; 45: 275-278Incidence of Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma in Dalmatia, Southern Croatia
Lovro Bojić, Zdravko Mandić, Milan Ivanišević, Kajo Bučan, Suzana Kovačević, Antonela Gverović, Alenka Miletić-Jurić CMJ 2004; 45: 279-282Novel Approach in the Treatment of Intravitreal Foreign Body and Traumatic Cataract: Three Case Reports
Goran Benčić, Zoran Vatavuk, Zdravko Mandić CMJ 2004; 45: 283-286Surgical Technique and Postoperative Complications in Pediatric Cataract Surgery: Retrospective Analysis of 21 Cases
Ivanka Petric, Valentina Lacmanović Lončar CMJ 2004; 45: 287-291Trauma of the Lacrimal Drainage System: Retrospective Study of 32 Patients
Brigita Drnovšek-Olup, Matej Beltram CMJ 2004; 45: 292-294Combined Clear Cornea Phacoemulsification, Vitrectomy, Foreign Body Extraction, and Intraocular Lens Implantation
Zoran Vatavuk, Ante Pentz CMJ 2004; 45: 295-298Prognostic Factors in Open Eye Injury Managed with Vitrectomy: Retrospective Study
Mojca Globočnik Petrovič, Xhevat Lumi, Brigita Drnovšek Olup CMJ 2004; 45: 299-303Epidemiology of Adult Eye Injuries in Split-Dalmatian County
Ksenija Karaman, Antonela Gverović-Antunica, Veljko Rogošić, Venera Lakoš-Krželj, Ante Rozga, Silvija Radočaj-Perko CMJ 2004; 45: 304-309Surgical Treatment, Clinical Outcomes, and Complications of Traumatic Cataract: Retrospective Study
Valentina Lacmanović Lončar, Ivanka Petric CMJ 2004; 45: 310-313Cost of Treating Preventable Minor Ocular Injuries in Rijeka, Croatia
Karmen Lončarek, Ines Brajac, Tatjana Filipović, Tea Čaljkušić-Mance, Hrvoje Štalekar CMJ 2004; 45: 314-317Endonasal Endoscopic Orbital Decompression in Patients with Graves’ Ophthalmopathy
Neda Stiglmayer, Ranko Mladina, Martina Tomić, Miljenka Tojagić, Jelena Juri, Neda Bubaš, Višnja Mrazovac CMJ 2004; 45: 318-322Visual Evoked Potentials in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Interferon beta-1a
Rajka M. Liščić, Jelka Brecelj CMJ 2004; 45: 323-327Outcome and Prognostic Factors in Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma
Marin Nola, Adrian Lukenda, Magdolna Bollmann, Miro Kalauz, Marko Petrovečki, Reinhard Bollmann CMJ 2004; 45: 328-332Atherosclerosis of Retinal Arteries in Men: Role of Serum Lipoproteins and Apoproteins
Eugenia Tedeschi-Reiner, Željko Reiner, Zdenko Sonicki CMJ 2004; 45: 333-337Case Reports
Susac Syndrome: Retinocochleocerebral Vasculopathy
Jarmila Szilasiová, Eleonóra Klímová CMJ 2004; 45: 338-343News and Comments
CMJ 2004; 45: 344-345Paths of Medicine
CMJ 2004; 45: 346-347Medicine and Peace
CMJ 2004; 45: 348-349Quality Corner
CMJ 2004; 45: 350- 353Book Review
CMJ 2004; 45: 354-355CIP
CMJ 2004; 45: 356-358