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Teaching History Of Medicine
Teaching History of Medicine in the Perspective of “Medical Humanities”
Dietrich von Engelhardt CMJ 1999; 40: 1-7Importance of Philosophy of Science to the History of Medical Thinking
Zbigniew Zalewski CMJ 1999; 40: 8-13Role of History and Philosophy of Medicine in the Professional Formation of a Physician: Writings of Polish School of Philosophy of Medicine
Maria J. Pedziwiatr CMJ 1999; 40: 14-19Oaths, Laws, and Declarations in the Studies of Medical Ethics in Lithuania
Zita Liubarskiene CMJ 1999; 40: 20-24Teaching History of Medicine at Russian Medical Schools: Past, Present, and Future
Tatjana V. Zhuravleva, Boleslav L. Lichterman, Yuri P. Lisitsyn CMJ 1999; 40: 25-28Learning Medical History in Oslo: Training for Medical Practice
Oivind Larsen CMJ 1999; 40: 29-33Dr Ivan Pintar and His Contribution to the Development of History of Medicine in Slovenia
Zvonka Zupanić Slavec CMJ 1999; 40: 34-37Study of the History of Medicine in Georgia
Ramaz Shengelia CMJ 1999; 40: 38-41Review
Allergy to Parietaria Officinalis Pollen
Slavica Cvitanović CMJ 1999; 40: 42-48Medical Effects of Internal Contamination with Uranium
Asaf Duraković CMJ 1999; 40: 49-66Basic Science
Schild's Equation and the Best Estimate of pA2 Value and Dissociation Constant of an Antagonist
Slobodan M. Janković, Dragan R. Milovanović, Snežana V. Janković CMJ 1999; 40: 67-70Clinical Science
Autopsy Findings and Clinical Diagnoses: Retrospective Study of 3,117 Autopsies
Gordana Jurić, Damir Tentor, Jasminka Jakić-Razumović CMJ 1999; 40: 71-76Corrected Formula for the Calculation of the Electrical Heart Axis
Dragutin Novosel, Georg Noll, Thomas F. Lüscher CMJ 1999; 40: 77-79Symptomatology and Development of Urolithiasis in Children with Frequency-Dysuria Syndrome Associated with Hypercalciuria
Joaquin Escribano, Albert Feliu, Albert Balaguer, Rosa Espax, Luis Soler CMJ 1999; 40: 80-84Penetrating Injuries of Heart and Great Vessels in Patients Wounded During the 1992-1994 War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Samir Delibegović Dedić, Mustafa Bazardžanović, Mehmedalija Budalica CMJ 1999; 40: 85-87Type, Severity, Location, and Timing of Battle Casualties in a Croatian Army Brigade During an Offensive Action in 1992
Dinko PuntariĆ, Silva Soldo, Drago Prgomet, Radovan Vodopija CMJ 1999; 40: 88-92Public Health
Assessment of Working Conditions in a Modern Russian Milk Processing Plant from the Aspect of Occupational Medicine
Luidmila V. Belova, Irena A. Mishkich, Galina A. Kresova, Tatiana A. Liubomudrova CMJ 1999; 40: 93-98Case Report
Zimmerman-Laband Syndrome: An Unusually Early Presentation in a Newborn Girl
Miroslav Dumić, Christopher Crawford, Irena Ivković, Marijana Cvitanović, Stipe Batinica CMJ 1999; 40: 102-103Laparoscopic Management of the Cornual Pregnancy
Gordan Crvenković, Dubravko Barišić, Ante Ćorušić, Marin Nola CMJ 1999; 40: 99-101WACP News
CMJ 1999; 40: 104Book Review
Huth EJ. Writing and Publishing in Medicine
Zvonko Rumboldt CMJ 1999; 40: 105-106William S. Haubrich. Medical Meanings: A Glossary of Word Origins
Ana Marušić CMJ 1999; 40: 106-108Daniel W. Byrne. Publishing Your Medical Research Paper: What They Don't Teach You in Medical School.
Ana Marušić CMJ 1999; 40: 108-109Croatian International Publications
CMJ 1999; 40: 110-112